Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving:: 100 Things I Am Grateful for!

"One single grateful thought raised to heaven 
is the most perfect prayer." 

 - G.E. Lessing

1. My livestrong bracelet because it reminds me of those who have it worse than me, but still live strong.
2. Covers because when I am cold, or sad, hiding under the warm covers always helps me feel safe.
3. Speed limit signs because they keep us safe on roads where we may otherwise be tempted to go too fast and risk someone's life, including our own.
4. Laundry shoot because I am lazy and it allows me to drop my laundry to the laundry room from my room.
5. My blankey/handkerchief because when I have a stuffy nose, I can always have something nearby to blow my nose in.
6. Hands because without them, I don't know if I could do it- they pick up game pieces, they blow my nose, they feed me.
7. Love because it gives all girls (guys too) something to look forward to.
8. Sunflower balloons because they make me smile and keep my room happy.
9. Toilet paper because I would fail miserably without it, and it helps me when I have colds and need to blow my nose.
10. Laptops because sharing one good desktop computer in a home with 5 people is just asking for trouble.
11. Video cameras because I can capture so many amazing moments that pictures couldn't.
12. Lens cleaner because I just hate when my glasses are dirty.
13. Light bulbs because they illuminate so much light without burning out a candle, and they're just so much easier to use.
14. Humor because laughter makes those hard days bearable. And good humor is everything.
15. Good friends because they bring life back into me when I feel as if I might never feel the joy they feel.
16. Backpacks because they make it a lot easier to carry all my books, binders and folders.
17. Lunchboxes because they keep your food cold/hot until lunch time.
18. Glasses because I just hate being blind!
19. Clementines because they taste just sooooo delicious.
20. Silverware because eating without them would be quite difficult, and personally, I love eating, so the easier, the better.
30. Candy because everyone needs a little energy in their life, and candy tastes so yummy:)
31. Hangers because they are so convenient and make it possible to have unwrinkled clothes, without having to iron your clothes every time- (and on that thought....)
32. Irons because they always make your clothes straight and presentable.
33. DVDs because they allow you to watch your favorite movies over and over and over again.
34. My chef jacket because when I peeled a pomegranate and the juice spat up everywhere, the chef jacket protected my new white shirt.
35. Cut (and canned) green beans because they are SO much better than the fresh ones!
36. Nose hairs because they keep foreign objects/particles from going into your lungs through your nasal cavity.
37. Teeth because eating, talking, smiling- would all be just pitiful without teeth, and plus, I enjoy my teeth.
38. Turkey roaster because it saves my mom a lot of time and gets the turkey cooked in half the time an oven does.
39. Puppies because they are simply adorable.
40. Fuzzy socks because they are super comfy and they keep your toes very warm. Plus, people are always jealous of fuzzy socks.
41. Lotion because I hate dry hands and lotion keeps my hands niiiiice and moisturized.
42. Naps because even though I rarely am able to actually nap, naps are amazing.
43. Taylor Swift because she always sings exactly what's on my mind and helps me put words to my emotions.
44. The plastic white hangers at target because I am OCD and love all my hangers to look the same, and target makes that possible.
45. My Good Happens blog because it reminds me of all the reasons I have to be grateful.
46. Pretzel M&Ms because they taste delicious, are completely addicting, and never get old.
47. AC because it keeps me cool, and I'd rather be cold than too hot.
48. NCAA tournament because it gives me something to enjoy during the school year that makes me incredibly happy!
49. March Madness because the madness gives me something to look forward to and it's always there for me- completely dependable. Except for the outcome.
50. Sneezing because it gets all the nasties out of your nose.
51. Fall time in Northern VA because there are leaves everywhere and you can walk down a street and see literally a hundred different colors in one row of trees!
52. Babies because they remind you of how much you've grown, and how much you've learned.
53. Converse because they make me feel cool. yes, I just said that.
54. Plaid pattern because it is a fabric creation that has changed the world- okay, not literally, but I love plaid. Makes me happy.
55. Ability to hear because there are so many sounds and life experiences that can only be heard, and I can't imagine life without my hearing.
56. People who can give me rides because I can't drive anymore and rides are my favorite. How else am I supposed to get places?!
57. Freckles because they are fun and pretty and they make cool patterns ;)
58. Coats because without them I would freeze! But I can easily take them off if I get hot.
59. Shoelaces because otherwise I'd either have crappy shoes or no way to keep my shoes on.
60. Mashed potatoes because they taste delicious and they are my favorite food.
61. Ability to switch majors because otherwise I'd still be an engineering major... And I'd hate that.
62. Commercial Recreation major because I finally found a major I love- deals with people and events and life!
63. Memory because there are so many wonderful things that I would hate to forget. Remembering things is an incredible blessing!
64. Work because it gives me the opportunity to earn money by actually working for that money.
65. Tupperware because it allows me to snack on thanksgiving dinner for the next week.
66. Scarfs because they keep your neck warm and can help you outfit look colorful and stylish ;)
67. Whistling because I just love to whistle!
68. Ability to move because I don't know if I could live if I were paralyzed, I'm not that strong of a person.
69. Curtains because they protect your privacy and keep the cold out of the apartment.
70. Trashcans because it would be disgusting if trash just hung out on the street and all over the counters.
71. Doctors because without them I'd be dead. Simple as that.
72. MRI/CT scans because they find things that doctors cannot.
73. Medicine because they ease your pain, and they heal your sicknesses, and make you better.
74. Laughter because some people just have the funniest laughs and laughter is contagious!
75. Personalities because it would be really lame if everyone was the same person- cookie cutters of each other. I like variety.
76. Color because as pretty as black and white is, color has so much life!
77. Voice because your voice allows you to sing and talk and communicate with others in an incredible way.
78. Photographs because they capture moments so easily so you never have to forget a face or a memory.
79. Ability to cry because its nice to let out emotions and crying allows you to deal with what's going on.
80. Surprises because it's nice to have something unexpected pop into your day! and your life!
81. Blinking because if I'm gonna die, I can just blink 3 times and they'll pull the plug ;)
82. Potatoes masher because it makes homemade mashed potatoes possible in an easier and quicker way.
83. No tubes because Katie had tubes to help her after her surgery and it was terrible, I am grateful that in my surgery I didn't need tubes.
84. Chimneys because Santa Claus can now come down and leave presents in my stocking!
85. D.C. - the actual city - because it is so beautiful and has so much historical significance. Plus, it has so many smithsonians that have amazing art and artifacts to look at and explore.
86. Pickles because I tend to always crave pickles due to their deliciousness and unique taste.
87. Board games because they are good clean fun and because you get to know people so well through playing games.
88. Compression cuffs because when you are in the hospital, not only do they keep away the blood clots, but they manage my restless legs syndrome and just feel good on my legs
89. Finally making the basketball shot after like 100 tries because I was trying SO hard and failing miserably!
90. State of Virginia because it is where I am from and there are so many memories from my childhood and teenage years here.
91. Nail polish because it allows me to bring color to my hands and feet without having to get permanent coloring from tattoos or something.
92. Pilgrims and Native Americans because they made this tradition possible.
93. Talented people because they make my life sometimes easier, other times just better. They give me something to smile about. They help me where I lack.
94. Oven mitts because they help me so I don't burn my hands.
95. Temples because they are a place where I can feel the spirit and be close to God.
96. The atonement because the Savior suffered every pain including sadness and fear, so that I don't have to be alone, so that I can have someone with me through every struggle. I am grateful for the atonement because through the atonement, I can repent and return to my Father in Heaven.
97. Rocking chairs because I love just sitting and rocking and thinking. I especially love when I rock with a baby in my arms and rock them to sleep. It's a magical thing.
98. That I don't have to wear diapers because all these poor babies in the house are crying getting diaper changes because they obviously can't be potty trained yet. I am glad I can just use the restroom when I need to.
99. My health because so many people have worse health problems and struggles and in comparison, I've got it pretty dang easy. I look around me, and how can I not be grateful when people are sick, and dying, and I am so alive!
100. Brain Tumor because it is through this brain tumor that my eyes have been opened and that I have seen how the love of friends and family can bring hope into what seems like a dark situation. This tumor has helped me see so much good and my life, it has humbled me and put my life into perspective.

I read this story on, I seriously advise you read it:: 

Biggest surprise? "That this science existed. So many self-help ideas are like meringue—you take a big bite, and there's nothing there. What I discovered was the 'there.' One study from the University of California, Davis, actually quantified what happens when people are grateful. They really are more optimistic, more apt to help others, more joyful, and genuinely healthier. Related studies have found they're more resilient, less stressed, and better strategic thinkers. All because they focus on what's right in life."

Second biggest surprise? "Grateful people may recover faster from trauma. I interviewed a lot of men and women who have bounced back from calamity—a mountain lion attack, a horrific car crash. The common denominator is they all believe in the power of their mind to find relevance in their situation and make something better come of it."

How "thank you" changed her: "I now find magic in the mundane. It's kind of like when I got glasses as a kid: I could actually see the individual leaves on a tree. In the same way, thank you power has helped me recognize slivers of life that might have bypassed me before: my daughter's handstands, enjoying a view. I'm also more creative—better able to look beyond the obvious and come up with new story angles. Certainly the research shows that grateful people are more innovative thinkers."

It is days like this, that I am truly grateful. Friends and family gathered together to share food, and love, and to just be with each other. It is days like this that I am grateful for, that give me hope and perspective and allow me to be grateful for the things that I too often overlook. Things I too often forget about. I am grateful for so many things that I don't realize until I sit down and think- really hard.

So, thank you to my Heavenly Father for this beautiful earth and for the great blessings I have. Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth and allowing him to suffer so that I, along with friends, and family, can return to you. Thanks be to God for his majestic and beautiful eye in creating such a beautiful earth!

Being grateful, and choosing to be thankful has changed ME because it has allowed me to see past myself, and realize that it is my selfishness that has torn me away from the people I love. If I remember how small I really am, and how much God has blessed me with, I really can do so much good in the world by being selfless and serving those who have served me.

Anyways, that's all for now- more confessions to come.

- J

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Who I Am Grateful For:: Emily Anne Snow

Think you're my best friend? Did you pack up and leave your family and life- a solid job and your adorable little brother, and leave them in Germany and fly to Utah, where you knew no one, had no job, and wouldn't be attending school? Yeah- if you've done that.... You're my best friend.

Emily and I at my Summer Ward Campfire!

Us with Alan :)
*Us with Jamen*
Jamen, Emily, Me

I think I have more pictures with this girl than could ever fit on this blog... But each picture is filled with 1000 words and a million memories- brings out smiles and laughter. I love Miss Emily Anne more than anything.

Emiy and I @ j.wride/bashaw&thehope concert

Em, Matt Bashaw, Me, Kalen Gilleese

This girl radiates beauty. Not only is she beautiful on the outside, but she is deep, genuine, honest and she's a beautiful person on the inside.

Me and Em at Benton Paul in SLC

The two of us have been through so much together, and she's been there for me every time I needed someone to accompany me pretty much anywhere! And I didn't thank her enough- so, Emily, THANK YOU! For all those long nights...

Us at the Cameron Rafati/Jason Reeves Concert!!

Me, Cameron Rafati, Emily

Emily, Cameron Rafati, Me :)
Em and I in front of Jason Reeves
Lorin, Emily, Me, Jason Reeves, Kaylee

There's never a day that goes by, that I don't look back and wonder how this girl has put up with me...

Em and I watching FOOTBALL

Kailee, Emily and I at Ask For The Future's LAST Concert

She ALWAYS has a way of making me smile... And I don't care if we're just laying in someone's backyard, she makes simply being together, the best.

Me and Emily on my BIRTHDAY @ Jake's

Jake, Miranda, Emily, Me, Kailee

Words can't describe the kind of friend Emily is to me, she's the kind of friend that NO MATTER what, she'll be there- supporting you, holding your hand, hugging you till you can't breathe, tackling you to the ground till you break down laughing.

Em and I @ my Birthday Party
Anna, Me, Ethan, Catherine, Lisa, Miranda, Emily, Michael, Karrae
Emily, Miranda, Me
Em and I getting dolled up :) - general conference weekend!
Through smiles and sass, through kid games and class. This girl has been there. Who could ask for anything more? :)

Emily Anne Snow




Miss Emily,

You may not believe me when I say this- but you moving here was an absolute miracle. I know I kinda am the worst friend ever (and never went to walmart with you)... But know I'd take back all the times I said no for one more hour with you. I know we fought and disagreed and sometimes even wrestled, but those disagreements were proof that we cared about each other. Cause you can't hate someone you don't care about, cause in order to hate- there has to be enough feeling towards that person, enough hurt to make you angry, to make you hate. And usually when we fought, it was because I was frustrated with my own stupidity. So, I apologize for all our fights. I wish I could take back every word.

Thank you for always being there when I needed to complain, or cry. Thank you for sitting with me and just being there when I was too frustrated to talk, and just waiting patiently in case I needed anything. Thank you for holding me those times when I broke into tears not knowing if I could make it to tomorrow. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your friendship. You, my friend, are one in a million (if not a lot more).

I love you. A million red m&m's. I love you. A million red swedish fish.

- J

Who I Am Grateful For:: Keva Cochran

Last night was evidence that there are angels among us. Goes to show that those tender mercies and little miracles that people talk about- really exist.

"Ain't it kind of funny at the dark end of the road
Someone lights the way with just a single ray of hope

Oh I believe there are angels among us
Sent down to us from somewhere up above
They come to you and me in our darkest hours
To show us how to live
To teach us how to give
To guide us with a light of love."

Dear Keva,

Thank you for being the light in my life the past few weeks. When everything else is completely falling apart, thank you for being the glue that has kept me together. You've been amazing, and you never cease to amaze me with your ability to just listen and take everything in. When I am worried and have no one else I feel could possibly understand, I know that if I talk to you, you'll make me feel better, not because my situation is changed, but because I know someone is there for me. You are a remarkable person, and I know that you've been blessed with a special ability to touch people's lives through your listening ear, and warm heart. I don't know how I got SO fortunate- but I must be God's favorite because he blessed me with you.

So, thank you. For all the times you answered texts. For all the talks. For everything.

- J

Who I Am Grateful For:: Amy LaCrosse

My oh my! How the years have flown by. This time 6 years ago, I was a freshman and I met Miss Amy LaCrosse. I think if she would've known that the little friendless loser who brought her brownies would become me.... she would've thrown the brownies at my face and let me cry. Ha ha. But seriously, I'm a crazy person.

I used to make her brownies to make her smile.
                                                When she was sad.
                                      I was happy when she was happy.

                                     My mother says I stalked her.
                       I say it was an infatuation.
That turned
into friendship.

She was a senior.
I was a freshman.

In her yearbook I wrote her a letter.
 She wrote me a note.
I think we both read those notes when we are sad.

Amy is one of those girls who radiates happiness. You look at her and you just smile. When you are sad or feeling frustrated, she is the person who can cheer you up with just one look or WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT. She's amazing. I never feel judged or bad about myself when she's around, she has a way of just making you feel like you're doing okay. Like no matter what mistakes you've made, you're gonna be okay.

Amy, thank you for always listening to me babble about life. Thank you for understanding me and never questioning my decisions. Thank you for loving me, even when I'm pretty sure I'm loco. You are absolutely incredible.

- J

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Who I Am Grateful For:: Mike Kettle

Mike + Me @ my 20th b-day party!

September 24, 2010 was one of the best days of my life. Why? Because I met you. The quiet kid in the corner that I could've sworn was thinking I was a crazy person and just haaad to be judging me (you weren't...). September 25, 2010 was the first of MANY "Phase 10" card games we played... I think we've played it a hundred times... And it never got old- even when I claimed I was winning and we all know I lost pretty much every game. We hung out with Jake and Kailee nearly every day for a week... And by the time it was September 29, 2010, I felt like I'd known you for months. It was my birthday, and we played at Jake's apartment with Miranda, Emily, Kailee, and Jake. Classic Mike- sitting in the corner playing the guitar/bass and pretending to be anti-social. We both know you were having a complete blast :) Then September 30, 2010- the birthday extravaganza and you came over early and brought me corn dog bites that were delicious! All the roomies joined us for some delicious food. You went and got Jake and came back and played with us. We went to Jakes and hung out for a bit. By October 1, 2010, I already felt like you were my best friend... and we'd known each other only a week...

But I knew you.
Your favorite color, and your favorite band.
What you're best at,
and what you suck at.
That you played the sax.
That you love paintballing.

                                            I didn't know everything
                            but I knew I had lucked out.

                                                          I knew I had just met one of the
                                                    most remarkable people

October 6, 2010 - a week and a half... And I felt like it had been a year. And you, Mike Kettle, won me over. It was that day that I decided you were one friend I couldn't afford to lose(We all know I have a nasty habit of pushing away those closest to me.) And I made you a promise I'd never do that to you. I promised you we'd be friends forever. And that's exactly what we'll be.

Well my friend.
It's been exactly
60 DAYS.

                                          The most remarkable and enjoyable.
                I found one of the most stellar guys.
          My best friend.

Can you believe it's only been 60 days since we met???

Jakey, Me, Mike, and Court

Sometimes I just look back at the past two months and laugh... We've been through SO much, and yet, through every UP and down, you've been there for me. We've talked through it. We've worked through it. And I have never been so grateful for a friend.

We had a Costco trips.
Adventures to the Mall.
Subzero- on multiple occasions.
Movie parties at Jake's.
Phase 10 battles.

We set up and played
Book of Mormon Who.
and Let's Go Fishing.
and acted like little kids.

Other times we had to grow up
and deal with reality.
But- we did it. Together.

So, Mike, Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for the advice and for all the pointers. Thank you for introducing me to Marley's and having me try those delectable sliders. Thank you for actually making me try spinach. It wasn't completely disgusting. Thanks for always finishing the food Em and I couldn't finish, or letting us eat what you couldn't. Thanks for being the guy who always wasted gas so Emily, Kailee and I didn't have to always drive.

Thanks for letting us into your home.
Introducing us to your parents.
They are truly amazing. 

Thank you for making Jesse, Brit, Court, Kailee, Em, and I those hamburgers. And for actually making me eat one. The were actually quite delicious. And next summer... we are having a reunion and you are making those again. (Gang! Agreed?? yes? I thought so!) Thank you for always putting up with the girl drama in the apartment. Thank you for waiting for Emily, Kailee, and I to finish getting ready while you starved yourself cause we wanted to look good. Ha ha.

Mike, you may not believe it- but you are an amazing friend. You came into my life when I really just needed a friend, and someone to talk to. And you listened and you were there for me, and all the girls. So thank you for all the gas used up, and for the food eaten, and for the time given. It will never ever be forgotten.

- J

Who I Am Grateful For:: JeanMarie Stewart

                                  Take a second.
                                      to your past.

Who has ALWAYS been there for you??

From the death of a beloved teacher and friend.
to entering teenage years + young womens.
to high school and all district choir.
to college...

                  Through sickness, and heart breaks...

                         You know who's been there for me?


I honestly don't deserve this girl as my friend... She is ALWAYS there for me. There have been various times when I needed someone to sing a duet with me for some random event or relief society meeting... and she's been there. She accompanies me to local concerts around Utah Valley, and she always has a good attitude about it. She shares Italian Sodas from Muse Music Cafe with me :)

She is wonderful because when I just recently moved back home... She's taken the time to write me letters and send me the Police Beat and just make me smile. I forget sometimes how great it is getting hand written letters, especially from people you love, and who love you.

So, my old friend Jeanbo... Thank you for everything you've done for me throughout these long years. And I am sorry for all the times I didn't thank you, or I took advantage of you... I'm sorry, and I thank you. Starting today, I'm going to make sure EVERY DAY... she knows.... how much she means to me, and how lucky I feel to have her in my life. I've said it before, but its never seemed more applicable. I am the luckiest. Just by knowing you.

- J