Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why The Result of my Surgery Was Kind of a Miracle!

As most of you know, one week ago today I had surgery on my shoulder. Why I bring this up here, why it is good that has happened? Well, for two years I gave suffered with intense shoulder/neck pain. Pain I would say has averaged between 4-7/10 (on pain scale) constantly. I've been to at least 5 doctors- regular doctors, orthopedic specialists, and a rheumatologist. They have all ended up giving me 3 pieces of "advice": 1) try this new/different pain medication, 2) try physical therapy, 3) ... and good luck. So I've been on at least 9 different perscription strength pain meds, received cortisone shots, attended physical therapy for over 16 months, had multiple MRIs an x-rays... and guess what. "Good luck" was the best advice I got for 2 years.

**Note: MRIs and x-rays showed tiny labrum tear, small chip and crack in shoulder joint/bone, tendinitis, bursitis, global instability, extreme immobility, etc. But all of these things a) shouldn't be causing the amount of pain I am in, and b) should've mostly been fixed by all the medications and physical therapy.**

I finally went back to a family doctor expressing my concern that I couldn't even drive, scrape ice off my car, cook, write/type, carry groceries, etc. without extreme pain that was past unbearable. He suggested I go back to my orthopedic specialist and ask that he scope my shoulder. So, one day that next week I did. And after waiting almost 2 hours, and explaining my concern and pain, he agreed. Unfortunately, he made a point to emphasize that it was very unlikely that he would find anything.

Wednesday the 17th, the surgeon went in expecting an unsuccessful exploratory arthoscopy. I was expecting to be in surgery for 30-45 minutes. Turns out...


The doctor found a very substantial tear. This tear was an almost completely torn ligament, aka the labrum was barely connected, it was pretty much gone and just 'hanging' there. You can research more if you're interested.

Why is this good news? Yes, I may be in pain now, and be in a sling, and have to do more physical therapy. But in 6 months, I am not going to be in constant pain anymore. I'm going to be okay! :) What a miracle it was that he found the tear when he did, and that he was able to fix it when he did.

Good happens, even when you least expect it. Even when the odds are against you. Even when you believe there is no hope. Remember- God blesses us in ways we sometimes have trouble seeing the positive in, but boy does He love us and bless us continually. What a wonderful knowledge it is, what a truth: Good happens!

I hope you too can find some inspiration in the little things, and remember- good happens.

- J

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