Recently I've been doing a lot of thinking and internal changes. I have realized that I have not been someone that my Heavenly Father can really be proud of. Now, if you're reading this, know that God always loves you- always has, always will. He loves you no matter what you do. He is your Father and he loves you unconditionally.
That being said- I personally felt I could do better. I feel the past couple months (since April-ish) I have been slowly changing into a person I am not even proud of.
Recently, with the help of some close friends, I made some goals that I have been following, and I would like to share with you and encourage you to do the same:
1. Pray when I wake up
2. Pray over meals (any and all meals)
3. Study a talk each week
4. Read scriptures every day
5. Say evening prayer
Those five things have changed my life. I am finally becoming that person I used to be- that person that I would look in the mirror and smile at. Someone that I'd wanna just pat on the back because I was doing such a great job, all considering.
For those who don't know- I have had a lot of health challenges. But recently I realized they are all ridiculous blessings. I have seen real friends come out of the blue and just love me. I have seen family sacrifice for me. I have seen members of my church pray for me. And, perfect strangers take concern for my well-being. Most people don't get those opportunities. But I have been lucky enough to have those occasions. So, to all of you- stranger or friend: thank you.
Anyways, because Satan is such a stinker and is always tempting me to revert to the "not-so-good" me, I have to fill my time doing things to keep myself productive. For "an idle mind is the devil's playground". I have been writing music. I have been working on a project for the girl I nanny for (her birthday is coming up). I have been writing letters. I have been contacting old friends and reestablishing friendships. All these things aren't much. No one would be impressed but me. To me, this is HUGE. To find good things to fill my time with.
Okay, so at this point, you're probably skimming to the bottom to see if I've written anything profound here at the end...
Well, I haven't. But I will say this- You can be anyone you want to be. And anything is possible. It is possible to overcome any weakness if you pray for help, strength, and ask those around you for support and encouragement. Heavenly Father loves you and he wants you to be the best you can be.
"Do the best you can, where you are, with what you have.”
And when all else fails, you start again. God and Jesus Christ will never leave you comfortless (John 14:18).
Good luck!
- J